Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
p.274 Thompson, Thomas. Three men with this name took the Oath of Allegiance one before the Hon Henry Reeder in St Mary's County in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 Revolutionary War Military Collection, Manuscript MS.1146 (Baltimore: MD Historical Socy, Manuscript Division) p.1146, K-64 Carothers, Bettie. 9000 Men Who Took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to MD During the Revolution (Lutherville, MD: Compiled by the Author, 1978, 2 volumes) p.64), and one before the Hon Richard Barnes in St Mary's Co in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 ibid, K-66 ibid p.66) and “Thomas Thompson Sr” bef the Hon John Ireland in St Mary's Co in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 ibid, K-65 ibid p.65).
Marriage2 Nov 1780, Christ Church, Chaptico, St Mary’s County, MD148826,148827
Marr Memoby Rev Francis Lauder; Calvert County, MD?