Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
p.274 Thompson, Thomas. Three men with this name took the Oath of Allegiance one before the Hon Henry Reeder in St Mary's County in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 Revolutionary War Military Collection, Manuscript MS.1146 (Baltimore: MD Historical Socy, Manuscript Division) p.1146, K-64 Carothers, Bettie. 9000 Men Who Took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to MD During the Revolution (Lutherville, MD: Compiled by the Author, 1978, 2 volumes) p.64), and one before the Hon Richard Barnes in St Mary's Co in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 ibid, K-66 ibid p.66) and “Thomas Thompson Sr” bef the Hon John Ireland in St Mary's Co in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 ibid, K-65 ibid p.65).
10285p.77 Subscribers to Oath of Allegiance 1778
27610Thomas Thompson by Richard Barnes
Marriage23 Feb 1772, St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Newton, St Mary’s County, MD148832,148830
Marr Memo25 Feb 1772?