Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birth1528, Moulton, Suffolk, England146113,146114
MemoAbt 1530 Or earlier
Land Purchase1562, Moulton, Suffolk, England146115,146116
Residenceca 1565, Moulton, Suffolk, England146117
MemoHouse called Fryettes he bought from the executors of Roger Fryett
Land Purchase1572, Gazeley, Suffolk County, England146118
MemoTwo miles east from Moulton
Residencebef 14 Jan 1572, Moulton, Suffolk, England146119
Residence14 Jan 1572, Moulton, Suffolk, England146120
MemoFryettes purchased of Roger Fryett’s executors
Will Filed14 Jan 1572, Moulton, Suffolk, England146121,146122,146123
Memo/1573 Will Written
Will Filed2 Feb 1572, Moulton, Suffolk, England146121,146124,146123
Memo/1573 2nd Will Written
Will Filed25 Apr 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England146125,146126
MemoCodicil to Will Written
Death28 Apr 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England146127,146128,146129,146130,146131
Burial28 Apr 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England146132,146133,146134,146135,146136
MemoMoulton Church
Will Filed30 Apr 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England146137,146138,146123
MemoWill proved by executors; by George Haryson notary public, procurator for the executors
Will Filed10 Jun 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England146139,146140,146123
MemoOriginal Will declared Null and Void
Will Filed16 Jun 1574, Canterbury, London, England146129,146141,146142
MemoCommission of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury issued Anne Modye, to administer the gods according to the will, upon renunciation of the executors
FatherEdmund Moody (1498-)
Misc. Notes
English Origins of New England Families69568
Vol II Pg 145-146 From Probate Records
The Will of Richarde Modye of Moulton, co Suffolk, dated 14 Jan 1572 (1572/3). To be buried in Moulton church. To my wife Anne the house that I now inhabit called Fryettes and all those lands which I of late bought of the executors of Roger Fryett, via, George Tayler and Thomas Harvye, for life, in recompense of her dower, all my winter corn growing on the said land and forty combs seed barley to sow the said land, four bullocks, four horses in Mason’s stable, a plough, a cart, ten combs malt, and one-half of my household stuff, my wife to release her thirds in all my other lands, yielding them up in the parish church of Moulton or elsewhere at the executor’s discretion, and, if she refuses, all legacies to her are to be void. To George, my oldest son, all lands and tenements, free and copyhold, in Moulton (and Kentford added in will of 2 Feb 1572/3), at the age of twenty-one years, to him and the heirs of his body for ever, with contingent remainder first to John, my (third in later will) son, and the heirs of his body, at twenty-one and secondly to Edmond, my youngest (the word youngest is omitted in the will of 2 Feb 1572/3) son at twenty-one. To my son, Edmond, at twenty-one, houses and lands in Gaseley, in tail, a lease of ten acres of land in Moulton, bought of Mr. Byrde, all my corn growing in Gaseley, and fourteen score wether sheep now going with Mr. James Taylor of Gaseley. To my son John, at twenty-one, my lease at Cavenham bought of Thomas Rampling (Richard Rampley in later will), with all my sheep there going. To Robert, my son, at twenty-one, all leases and stocks of cattle or money in Okingbury, Wessen, Illington, or elsewhere, in co Huntingdon, a bond of William Goodinche and what William owes, and, to make up all these sums, £80. To Grace, Margaret, and Mary, my daughters, one-half of my household stuff, nine bullocks, one hundred and twenty combs rye, and £20, to be equally divided between them when they are severally eighteen. To Thomasin, my eldest daughter, at eighteen, four hundred sheep now going at Isleham. To Anne, my daughter, at eighteen, £40. To George, my eldest son, at twenty-one, the rest of my sheep at Moulton, six horses, a plough and plough gear, a cart and cart gear, so much rye as now grows on the ground, and so much rye as is now left on the loft at Moulton end.
Forasmuch as my great care and desire is that my children may be well and virtuously brought up in the fear of God and good learning and education, the executors shall take all the mean profits bequeathed to the children until their several ages, trusting that they will have great care for their education.
I will that Thomas Smithe, son and heir apparent of Thomas Smith, one of my executors, shall have the education and bring up of John, my son, with all the goods and stock, etc, bequeathed to John, till twenty-one. Richard Grene of Newmarket is similarly to bring up my son Robert. The residue of my goods is to be divided among my children at the discretion of my executors.
Executors: Thomas Smythe of Asheley and John Smythe of Newmarket. Overseer: Thomas Sutevile of Dalham, co. Suffolk, Esq., to whom I give my silver salt and a bay colt. To Robert & Elizabeth Gynner ten combs rye and ten combs malt. To every poor house in Moulton one bl. rye. To every godchild 10s. To every servant 10s. Witnesses: Richard Grene, John Midlediche, John Kynge, Davye Ayre, John Phillipp.
Memorandum, that on Sunday, 25 Apr 1574, instead of giving to my daughter Thomasin four hundred sheep at Isleham (sic), I give to her £100, payable at her marriage. To the child my wife now goeth with £40. Witnesses: Richard Grene, Christopher Funston, John Trace, John Leche, Richard Johnson, Robert Browne.
Proved 30 Apr 1574 by George Haryson, notary public, procurator for the executors (P.C.C., Martyn, 16)
(This will was declared null and void 10 Jun 1574. Vide infra.)
The will of Richard Modye of Moulton, co Suffolk, yeoman, dated 2 Feb 1572 (1572/3), disannulling all former wills. (Only the new provisions or the chief differences from the provisions of the former will, dated 14 Jan 1572/3, are here given). To the reparations of Moulton church 6s 8d. To the poor of Gaseley 6s 8d. To the poor of Dalham 6s 8d. To the poor of Kentford 6s 8d. To the poor of Newmarket 10s. To my wife Anne the house called Fryettes (as in the former will), for life, with remainder to my son George Modye and his heirs forever. To my son John the contingent remainder of the Gaseley lands, failing heirs of my son Edmond. The lease of ten acres in Moulton was held of Mrs. Higham, widow. To my wife Anne all my household stuff, on condition that she give to my son George £20 at the age of twenty-one, and also one-half of my bullocks, one-half of my horses, one-half of my carts and ploughs, all the corn growing on the land late Fryettes and the tilth thereof, the lands to be sown with barley, forty combs barley to sow them, twenty combs malt, and twenty combs rye. To my son George the other half of the horses, bullocks, carts, and ploughs, and the residue of the corn growing in Moulton, with the tillth and seed barley. To my wife Anne and son George all wethers in Moulton. To my son George the lease of a shop ground in Moulton held of the demise of John Trace, Gentleman. My “gossoppe” Christopher Founstone is to have the use and profit of the leases and sheep in Cavenham till my son John is twenty-one, on condition that he bring John up in good learning. To my daughter Thomazine £100 at marriage. To my son John sheep at Kennet with John Cheverrya. To my daughter Grace £20 at marriage. To my daughter Anne £40 at marriage. To my daughter Margaret £20 at marriage. To my daughter Mary £20 at marriage. My friend Mr. Taylor is to take the revenues of the lands and tenements given to my son George till he is twenty-one, on condition that “he shall keep & bring upp hym godly and vertouousleye” and shall maintain the lands and tenements, and account to my son George at twenty-one, deducting reasonable expenses. To Richard Lamberte one comb rye. To Robert Wilsonne, my servant, my worst coat, hose, and doublet. To Thomas Archer one comb wheat. To John Modye of Cambridge two stone wool, one black, one white. My friend Thomas Smythe of Assheleye is to take the profits of the lands given to my son Edmond, finding him and keeping him in good learning. The residue of my goods is to be evenly divided between my four daughters, viz., Grace, Anne, Margarett, and Mary, at their marriage. To the child my wife is now with all £40. Executors: my trusty friends Thomas Smithe of Assheleye and Roger Thompson of Clare, to whom I give £5 each. Supervisor: my trusty and very friend Mr. Stuttevile of Dalham, to whom I give my silver salt and bay colt. Witnesses: Richard Lamberte, Richard Grene, and Christopher Funstone. My wife Anne is to have the use of my daughters’ legacies till their marriage. (P.C.C., Martyn, 25)
On 10 Jun 1574 sentence was promulgated in the house of the commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, in Sermon Lane, in favor of the above will, exhibited by the widow, Anne, against Thomas and John Smythe, executors of the will previously proved and now annulled.
On 16 Jun 1574 a commission was issued to the widow, Anne Modye, to administer the goods according to the above will, upon the renunciation of the executors.

Vol II Pg 151 From Inquisitions Post Mortem (Preserved in the Public Record Office, London)69568
Inquisition taken at Bury St Edmunds (co Suffolk) 22 Jul, 16 Elizabeth (1574), before commissioners, including Francis Boldero. The jurors say that Richard Moodye, yeoman, was seised in demesne as of fee of 20 acres of arable land in Moulton, in Millwayefelde, acquired of (blank) Burgent, Gent, and held of the Queen as of the Honor of Clare by knight’s service, and worth 10s yearly.
He died 28 Apr last past (1574). His son and heir, George Moodye, was aged 14 years, 7 months, at his father’s death (He was born, therefore, about Sep 1559) (Chancery Inquisitions Post Mortem, Elizabeth, vol 167, no. 105.)
Birth1532, Moulton, Suffolk, England146148
Death14 Mar 1576, Moulton, Suffolk, England146149,146150
Burial14 Mar 1576, Moulton, Suffolk, England146151,146152,146153,146154
ChildrenThomasin (ca1555-)
 George (~1559-1607)
 Grace (ca1561->1572)
 Robert (<1563-)
 Anne (ca1565-)
 John (ca1567-)
 Margaret (<1568-)
 Edmond (<1570-)
 Mary (>1572-)
 Judith (>1574-)
Last Modified 3 May 2022Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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