Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
MemoWill dated
MemoWill Probated
Misc. Notes
Historical Collection of GA Chapters DAR 1926 Elbert Will Book L 1816-21
16113_33 p.33 Webb, William C. Jr. - Pg 400 “Very sick,” after debts are paid all estate to wife Susannah and son Andrew Jackson Webb. Wife Susannah and bro John C. Webb, Excrs. Signed 18 Sep 1820. Probated 6 Nov 1820. Robert B. Christian, Mial Smith, Test
144884Pg 87 Will Bk K: Webb, Claiborn - p.236-38 Division of Slaves:
144784 (only one William Webb mentioned)