Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Webb
MemoBef 5 Apr 1660; 1635?
V2 Pg1326of1482 Sanford, John1(-1653) & 1/wf Elizabeth Webb/Evered; ca1632 Boston/PortsmouthRI (TAG20:58; Greene (1903)63; Reg10:170, 56:409, 103:208+; Sanford1386 correction; Austin’s Dict171; Chute clxxx; Gorton164; Noyes-Gilman50; Ludington-Saltus194; Chesbrough534)
66948 (Surname Evered?)
1John Sanford
Memo1617? 1605? 1607?
ResidenceAug 1630, Alford, Lincolnshire, England145224,145225
MemoSailed middle of August 1630 for New England
Residenceaft 1631, Boston, Suffolk County, MA145226
MemoFrozen out of Boston for his religious beliefs
Memo20 May 1638? Granted six ac on the north side of Great Cove
MemoGranted 240 ac
Land Purchase6 Oct 1642, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI145235
MemoPurchased from John Porter part of the land in the Calves Pasture
Land Purchase8 Nov 1648, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI145236
MemoPurchased from Samuel Wilbore of Taunton 6 ac of meadow
Land Purchase10 Apr 1651, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI145237
MemoPurchased from Adam Mott Sr of Portsmouth my part in the Calves Pasture lying between his house and Claypit Field
MemoWill dated
Deathaft 22 Jun 1653, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI145242,145243,145244,145198,145197,145170,145199,145245,145246,145239,145175,145207,145247,145205,145208,145248,145249,145250
MemoBef 15 Nov 1653; abt 1655?
Will Filed20 Nov 1653, Newport County, RI145251
MemoWill proved
ReligionBoston Church as Member #115, which would be late in 1631145260,145261
Misc. Notes
Vol I-III Pg 1629 John Sanford:
66963In 1949 G. Andrews Moriarty presented a biographical sketch of President John Sanford (NEHGR 103:208-16) (with later installments treating some of his descendants)
In 1960 Edwin G. Sanford published an account of “The Early Years of President John Sanford …” (NEHGR 114:83-95)
In 1966 Jack Minard Sanford published a book-length genealogy of the family (President John Sanford of Boston, MA & Portsmouth, RI 1605-1965 (East Aurora, NY 1966)
Vol I-III Pg 1627 John Sanford chosen lieutenant of the military company of Portsmouth 15 Mar 1642/3 (RICR 1:127)
66963Pg 171 John Sanford 1644 Lieutenant
Marriage1631, Portsmouth, Newport County, RI145166,145165,145170,145169,145173,145175,145177,145178
Marr Memo Boston, Suffolk County MA?