Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Residence6 Sep 1661, Braintree, Suffolk County, MA144532,66767
Will Filed29 Jan 1688, Braintree, Suffolk County, MA144533
Death5 Mar 1691, Braintree, Suffolk County, MA144534
Memo81 yrs
Misc. Notes
Pg 26 Richard Brackett
Hazens. History of Billerica
Hills. History of Old South Church Boston
Roberts, Oliver A. The Ancient and Honorable Artillery of MA
Brackett – Descendants of Capt Richard and Anthony Brackett.
Braintree Town Records
The Records of the Colonial Dames of MA
NSCDA in MD. Lineage paper #2504. 1980
Peter (Twin) (<1637-<1718)