Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameAbigail Mooranney 143528,70564,143493,143494,143495,143529,143497,143496,143530,143531,143532,143533,143504,143506,143502,143503,143507,143509,143510,143513,70566,143514,143515,143512
Memo12 Dec 1699?
Hampshire Co MA Probate File Papers 1660-1889
64143 (No Abigail Williams)
1Nathaniel Williams 70564,143493,143494,143495,143496,87104,143497,143498,143499,143500,143501,143502,87112,143503,87113,143504,143505,143506,143507,143508,143509,143510,143511,143512,70566,143513,143514,87117,143515,143516
Baptism6 Sep 1691, Westfield, Hampden County, MA87117
Taunton Image 1555 Pg 168 Nathaniel Williams d: 29 Dec 1746 in his 44th year
64310 (Him?)
Westfield Image 764 Pg6 Abigail d/o Nathaniel Williams & Mary his wife b: 23 Mar 1684 (his sister? his father?)
Hampshire Co MA Probate File Papers 1660-1889
64143 (No probate for Nathaniel Williams)
Colonial Soldiers and Officers in New England 1620-1775
68777 (Him?)
Vol: MA Officers & Soldiers, 1723-1743
Pg 270 Williams, Nathanial; Rank: Pvt; Date of Service: 9/3-10/25-1723; Length of Service 7 wks 4 days; Company: Capt Adijah Dewey
Marr MemoIntentions published 12 Nov 1726; by Capt Ashley, Justice of the Peace; 11 Nov 1726?