Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameYaroslav I of Kiev
MemoBefore marriage to Rogneda of Polotsk, perhaps an earlier wife is his mother?
Burialaft 20 Feb 1054, Saint Sophia’s Cathedral, Kiev, City of Kiev, Ukraine142767,142768
Misc. Notes
Pg 38 Jaroslaus I, Grand Duke of Kiev
54948Image127of277 Pg 118 Jaroslaus, Grand Duke of Russia
60934Prince Jaroslav the Wise
50637Pg 63 Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Kiev
17389Pg 120 Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Kiev
Pg 125 Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Kiev
Pg 18 Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Kiev
17798Yaroslav The Wise, Male, Grand Prince of Russia
Yaroslav The Wise, Male, Child: Agatha Wife of Edward The Exile
25401. (Daughter of Ludwig or Henry II Von Braunschweig, listed elsewhere in Reunion)
1Ingegard Olofsdotter
Burialaft 10 Feb 1050, Saint Sophia’s Cathedral, Kiev, City of Kiev, Ukraine142784,142785
Alias/AKAIngigarth; Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden142787,142788
Misc. Notes
Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden, Female, Swedish Princess and a Grand Princess of Kiev