Misc. Notes
Pg 128 Line 148, 22. Lambert of Boulogne, Count of Lens in Artois (Line in question at this Point) Judith may be child of 1st Marr? Adelaide may not even have been Lambert’s wife.
25400Pg 129, Lambert, Count of Lens (see Scotland 30)
17386Pg 30 Lambert of Boulogne, Count of Lens in Artois
54948Pg 164 Lambert, Count of Lens in Artois, Count of Louvain
17389Pg 270 Lambert of Boulogne, Count of Lens
Pg 49 Lambert of Boulougne, Count of Lens
17798Lambert II Count of Lens, French Noble
1Adelaide of Normandy
Memo1027? 1026 Calvados, France?
Misc. Notes
Pg 128, Line 148, 22. Adelaide (130-24), Countess of Aumale
25400Pg 30 Adelaide, Countess of Aumale
54948Adelaide of Normandy, Female; Half-sister of William The Conqueror, Countess of Aumale
Pg 128 Line 148, Adelaide (130-24), sister of William I, the Conqueror. She Marr1: Engerrand of Ponthieu She Marr1: Engerrand of Ponthieu (Line in question at this Point)
25400Herleva de Falaise; Spouse: Herluin de Conteville; Child: Adelaide of Normandy
50637 (Father Herluin or Robert I?)
Pg 164 Lambert Marr: (her 2nd husband) Adelaide (or Adeliz), widow of Enguerrand II
17389 (widow of Enguerrand II?)