Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Misc. Notes
Pg 144 Line 170, 5. Aedan, ruling Dalriada in Scotland for abt 37 yrs. Details of his life and those of his children and grandchildren are well attested in the near-contemporary life of St Columba, by Adamnan.
25400Pg 92, 48. Aidan, crowned King of Dalriada by St Columbia at Iona 574
17386Pg 24 Aidan (Aidanus), was crowned by his kinsman, St Columba, on the island of Iona 574. He declared the independence of his kingdom at the council of Drumcrest in Ireland 575. He was defeated by Aethelfrith, King of Bernicia
54948Aedan Mac Gabrain, Male, King of Dal Riata
ChildrenEochu (ca560-629)