Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthabt 800129301
Death13 Jan 858, Kingdom of Wessex129302,129303,129304,129305,129306,129307,129308
Burialaft 13 Jan 858, Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, City of Winchester, Hampshire, England129304,129309
MotherRaedburh or Redburga (ca775-)
Misc. Notes
p.12 Ancestral Line of Alfred the Great: Ethelwulf, King of England, 836-85720211

Pg 107 Line 161, Aethelwulf, King of Wessex17385

Pg 2 Line 1, 14. Aethelwulf, King of England 839-85825400

Pg 127, 40. Aethelwulf, King of Wessex and Kent 839-5817386

Pg 18 Aethelwulf, King of England 839-85854948

Pg 56 Ancient Counts of Flanders: Aethelwulf, King of England (839-857)54949
Pg 2 Royal Descent fm Cerdic, Pedigree A: 12. Ethelwulf, s/o Egbert & his successor to the kingdom

Vol 1 Desc of Wm the Conqueror Image1of3 Ethelwolf, King of England17388

Aethelwulf, King of England from 839 to 856 at which point he abdicated in favor of his son Aethelbald after returning from a lengthy pilgrimage. He was under-king of Kent 825-839 and 856-858.75062

Pg 172 Ethelwolf, King of England85859

AEthelwulf, Male, 2 Spouses, King of Wessex25401

Pg 359 13. Aethelwulf, was King of England 839-85817799
Marriageca 830129283
ChildrenAthelstan (ca832-<858)
 Aethelbald (~834-<862)
 Aethelbert (~836-)
 Aethelred I (ca840-871)
 Aethelswyth (ca842-)
 Alfred (849-899)
Misc. Notes
Princess Judith75062

Pg 235 Princess Judith17389

Judith of Flanders, Female, Queen Consort of Wessex and Countess of Flanders, 3 Spouses25401
Are Julia and Judith the same person daughter of Charles? Mother of Baldwin II?
Marriage1 Oct 856, Verberie sur Oise, France117525
Marr MemoJudith only 10 years?
Last Modified 16 Feb 2024Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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