NameNicholas Brown
Birthca 1760
Residenceca 1784, Providence County, RI64548
Land Sold10 Jan 1811, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62821
Memosold tract of land called the Sherman lot, to his wife’s brother, Shubael Wilmarth, for $200
Land Sold9 Mar 1813, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62703
Memoto brother-in-law, Shubael Willmarth for $600 land in Adams beginning on the no. line of lot No. 12 in the east range of settling lots in sd Town. late Shubael Wilmarth decd purchased of Samuel Bowen
Residence9 Mar 1813, Cheshire, Berkshire County, MA64546,64549
MemoStafford’s Hill
Deathbef 17 May 1833, Cheshire, Berkshire County, MA64550
Land Sold17 May 1833, Cheshire, Berkshire County, MA64550
MemoHenry Willlmarth, his brother-in-law, of Administrator of Nicholas Brown, late of Milton, Saratoga Co NY, decd, for $1338.86 by Joseph Bennett of NY, NY, merchant, tract of land lying in the town of Cheshire BerkshireCo MA 89 ac
Land Sold18 May 1833, Cheshire, Berkshire County, MA64551
MemoHenry Willmarth, his brother-in-law, Administrator of Nicholas Brown, sold land 22 3/4 ac & one rod to Isaac W. Northup