Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 929126940
Memo925 - before parents marriage?
Alias/AKAGerberga of Lorraine126941,126942,126943
FatherGilbert De Hainault (890-939)
MotherGerberga of Saxony (913-984)
Misc. Notes
Pg 221 Princess Gerberga of Lorraine17798
Pg 120 Albert I, the Pious, Marr: Princess Gerberga1 d/o Louis IV, d’outer-mer, King of France & his wife Gerberga, widow Gisilbert, Duke of Lorraine & d/o Henry I the Fowler, Emperor of Germany (1 It is contended by the latest authorities that this Gerberga was the d/o Gerberga by her first husband, Gisilbert, Duke of Lorraine, and not by her second husband, King Louis IV. However the line is good either way.)
Misc. Notes
Pg 55 Line 50, 19. Albert I, the Pious, Count de Vermandois25400

Pg 114, 35. Albert I, Count of Vermandois17386

Pg 31 Albert I, the Pious, Count of Vermandois (23)54948

Pg 120 Albert I, the Pious, Count of Vermandois17389
Pg 132 Albert I, the Pious, Count of Vermandois

Pg 17 Albert I, the Pious, Count of Vermandois17798
Pg 221 Albert I, the Pious, Count of Vermandois
ChildrenHerbert III (955-1002)
Last Modified 26 Nov 2023Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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© 12 Jul 2024 Chris Dunmore; AncHunter65[at]
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