Misc. Notes
Pg 120 Line 140, 15. Lothair I, King of Italy 817-855, Emperor 840-855
25400Pg 13 Lothair I, King of Italy, 817-855, Emperor 840-855 (10) XV 9
54948Pg 183 Lotharius I, King of Italy & Emperor of the West
17389Pg 251 Lotharius I (Lothaire), King of Italy and Emperor of the West
Pg 139 Lothair I, King of Italy 817-855, Emperor of the West 840-855
17798Pg 144 Lothair I, King of Italy 817-855, Emperor 840-85
Pg 181 Lotharius I (Lothaire, Lothar), King of Italy and Emperor of the West
Lothair I, Male; Holy Roman Emperor, 2 Spouses