Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Land Purchase16 Jan 1811, Adams, Berkshire County, MA64380
MemoDeed of the heirs of the late Shubael Willmarth: Joseph Howland and wife Ann Mercy
Land Sold16 Jan 1811, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62699
Memoto his brother-in-law, Shubael Willmarth for $1000 land in Adams part of Lot 11 in Ea range, purchased by late Shubael Wilmarth decd of Daniel Sherman
Land Sold9 Mar 1813, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62703
Memoto his brother-in-law, Shubael Willmarth for $600 land in Adams beginning on the no. line of lot No. 12 in the east range of settling lots in sd Town. late Shubael Wilmarth decd purchased of Samuel Bowen
1Ann Marcy Wilmarth
Birth15 Mar 1780, Adams, Berkshire County, MA64358,64359,64360,63890,64374,64375,64376,64377,64378
MemoCheshire, Berkshire County, MA?
Census1800, Adams, Berkshire County, MA64360
Land Purchase8 Nov 1809, Adams, Berkshire County, MA64368,64379
MemoHannah Willmarth, widow of Shubel Willmarth, for $1000 released & forever quit claimed with the ch/of Shubael Wilmarth, her husband, decd (Ann Marcy Howland w/o Joseph Howland)
Land Purchase16 Jan 1811, Adams, Berkshire County, MA64380
MemoDeed of the heirs of the late Shubael Willmarth: Joseph Howland and wife Ann Mercy
Land Sold16 Jan 1811, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62699
Memoto brother, Shubael Willmarth for $1000 land in Adams part of Lot 11 in Ea range, purchased by late Shubael Wilmarth decd of Daniel Sherman
Land Sold9 Mar 1813, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62703
Memoto her brother, Shubael Willmarth for $600 land in Adams beginning on the no. line of lot No. 12 in the east range of settling lots in sd Town. late Shubael Wilmarth decd purchased of Samuel Bowen
Land Purchase23 Jan 1835, Adams, Berkshire County, MA62708
Memoher brothers, Shubael & Henry Willlmarth for $430, land in Adams North Village ... near house where she now lives ... containing abt 1/8 ac
BurialFriends Grounds Quaker Cemetery, Farmington, NY64385
Alias/AKAAnn Mercy Wilmarth63946