Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1630
Residence19 Sep 1683, England113717
Land Purchase19 Sep 1683, Philadelphia, PA113717
MemoBook E No 2 Pg 12 Deed for 500 ac of land within city of Philadelphia, purchased while in England
Land Purchase1685, Georgetown, Sussex County, DE113718
Memo400 ac called from Millburne on east side of Mill Creek from Henry Stretcher
Land Purchase1685, Georgetown, Sussex County, DE39926
MemoLand called Twiver 500 ac from Rodger Gum
MemoWill written
Deathbef 14 Apr 1686, Sussex County, DE
Land Sold14 Apr 1686, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA113719
MemoHis widow, Margaret Fisher and son, Thomas Fisher, Executors, sold to Samuel Atkins, for £10, a lot on the north side of Walnut Street with a house
Will Filed30 Apr 1686, Sussex County, DE113720
Memoletter of Administration to his wife Margaret & son Thomas
Image19of376 Pg 9 John Fisher1 - there has always been a tradition in the family that he came from Clitheroe, Lancashire, but recent search in the copies of the Friends’ Records of Lancashire and Yorkshire, at Devonshire House, London, shows no mention of his birth or marriage
Birthca 1630
MemoSurvived her husband
Image19of376 Pg 9 John Fisher1 marriage not known, only the Christian name of his wife, Margaret, From the will of their son, Thomas Fisher it seems likely that her family name was Hindle. In it property is conveyed which as come to the testator from his Uncle John Hindle the son of Bryan Hindle of Cletheroh
113722 (Her surname?)