Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1444
Residenceca 1450, Northamptonshire, England113239
OccupationLord Chancellor 113240
Never married
Misc. Notes
Pg 55-56 They (Hatton’s) had greater prestige a collateral descendants of Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor of England & Chancellor of Oxford University in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Sir Christopher was the Queen’s spokesman over a period of 20 years, first in the House of Commons and then in the House of Lords. Letters of colonial MD show that Thomas Hatton and his niece Mary Hatton Wade were considered direct descendants of Lord Chancellor Christopher Hatton.
This is NOT correct. They were descendants of a 2nd Sir Christopher Hatton, who was the cousin, godson & eventual chief heir of the lord chancellor. The Lord Chancellor never married. Queen Elizabeth was quite prone to jealousy (Lord Chancellor Hatton, however, had illegitimate offspring, a situation which the queen seems to have taken for granted!) ... The 2nd s/o Sir Christopher Hatton who inherited the Lord Chancellor’s estates.