Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1750
Tax List13 Jun 1799, Bath County, VA111770
Memo3 Titheables, 3 Slaves, 5 Horses
Tax List24 Apr 1800, Bath County, VA111771
Memo3 Titheables, 3 Slaves, 7 Horses
Tax List23 May 1801, Bath County, VA111772
Memo3 Titheables, 3 Slaves, 9 Horses
Abstracts of the Wills & Inventories of Bath County VA 1791-1842
2753 (Him?)
Pg 107 p. 372 Inventory - John Berry, Submitted August 1821 by Stuart Slavin, John Gum, Thomas Ruckman, 2 brown and 1 sorrel mare
Pg 107 p. 372 Sale of estate of John Berry Dec 20, 17(sic) John Sharrett, adm. Buyers: Samuel Berry, John Sharrett