Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameAnn Simpson 111605,111601,111602
Birthca 1790111605
Memobet 1810-1820?
Census1840, Prince George’s County, MD111605
Memo3rd District
Birthaft 1790111599,111603
Memobef 1800
Census1820, Queen Anne’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD111599
Census1840, Prince George’s County, MD111604
Memo3rd District
PG JBB4 54-55834 Indenture 19 Feb 1845 Adderton Sweeney of Prince Georges Co MD to Noble N. Birch of same County and State for $5 the following property: one bay horse, one bay mare, two brown mares, two cols, three (yoke of ?), six milch cows, three yearling calves, sixteen Ewes and their lambs, forty hogs, thirty five barrels corn, twelve thousand pounds weight of Tobacco, Ten barrels of plaster, two cards for (?), one hosecoat, four feather beds and bedding, one Mahogany Bureau and Dining table, six chairs, one mantle piece Clock, two iron pots, one new, three ploughs, and three cultivators with their gear. ... To lay in trust for the use and benefit of Alfred, Nathaniel, William, Solomon and Mary Sweeney, children of the said Adderton Sweeney and for the use and benefit of Elizabeth Sweeney, wife of the said Adderton Sweeney for and during their natural lives... for the use and benefit of Elizabeth Ann Sweeney youngest daught of the said Adderton Sweeney and his wife Elizabeth. (Him? his wife and children?)
Marriageaft 15 Jan 1821, Prince George’s County, MD111601,111602
Marr MemoMarriage License 15 Jan 1821
ChildrenUNNAMED (>1821-)
 UNNAMED (>1821-)
 UNNAMED (>1830-)
 UNNAMED (>1835-)
 UNNAMED (>1835-)
 UNNAMED (>1835-)
 UNNAMED (>1835-)
 UNNAMED (>1835-)
Last Modified 24 Mar 2021Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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© 12 Jul 2024 Chris Dunmore; AncHunter65[at]
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