Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1820, Gallatin, Sumner County, TN107079
Not listed with the family 1820KYWhitleyNotStatedImage1of18 William Davis 2M <10, 1M 10-16, 1M 16-26, 1M 26-45, 1F <10, 2F 10-16, 2F 16-26, 1F 26-45
14250Not listed with the family 1830KYWhitleyNotStatedImage13of48 William Davis 1M 5-10, 2M 15-20, 1M 50-60, 1F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 2F 20-30, 1F 50-60