1Sampson Parker
Birth9 Feb 1804, Wilkes County, NC14211,14212,14213,14201,14202,14214,14215,14205,14207,14216,14217
MemoSC? TN? sister born only four months later, perhaps year should be 1803?
Land Purchase17 Jul 1833, Whitley County, KY14218,14219
Memoreceived warrant for land on Becky’s Creek Land, 150 ac
Land Purchase23 Aug 1838, Whitley County, KY14220
Memo100 ac on Becky’s Creek
Census1840, Whitley County, KY14205
Census1850, Whitley County, KY14221
MemoDistrict 1
Land Purchase29 Apr 1851, Whitley County, KY14222
MemoLand Grant, 82 ac, Beckey Creek
Census1860, Cumberland River, Whitley County, KY14223
Residenceaft 2 Jun 186814224
Memolived with his son Jesse after the death of his wife, Sarah
Census1870, Lower Region, Whitley County, KY14202
Memoliving with his son Jesse F. Parker
Census1880, Lower Region, Whitley County, KY14201
MemoLiving with his son Jesse F. Parker
Memo81 years
Burialaft 2 Feb 1886, John Parker Cemetery, Whitley County, KY14228,14229,14230
MemoLocated on Beck’s Creek Road - take Hwy 92 past Walmart, turn on first right, go approximately .75 mi and turn left up hill
1820TNSumnerGallatin Image38of52 John Parker 1M <10, 2M 10-16, 1M 45+, 1F <10, 1F 16-26, 1F 45+
14234 (Not listed with his father?)
1840KYWhitleyNotStatedImage10of49 Sampson Parker 1M <5, 1M 5-10, 1M 10-15, 1M 15-20, 1M 30-40, 1M 60-70, 2F <5, 1F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 1F 30-40, 1F 60-70
14235 (Who is Male 30-40 & Female 30-40? Perhaps a brother & his wife?)
US Civil War Soldiers 1861-1865
941 (Him?)
Sampson S. Parker; Confederate; 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry; Company C; Rank In: Private; Rank Out: Private; Film M230 Roll 30