The premise of the HOWARD-ARUNDELL theory is that Matthew HOWARD of Virginia is identical to Matthew, baptized 19 June 1609 at St. Andrew's, Holborn, Middlesex, England, son of
Thomas ARUNDELL. Appearing in print as early as 1919, the
theory has little foundation.
The burial record alone is enough to invalidate the HOWARD-ARUNDELL theory98757Pg 6 Matthew Howard knew he had no chance of inheriting his father’s title, so he emigrated to Virginia in 1625, when only sixteen. In 1638 he bought 159 ac of land in lower Norfolk Co, where all of his eight children were born. ... Lord Baltimore kept urging Matthew also to move to Maryland, which he finally did in 1649.
84858 (Him? buried in 1620?)
Pg 146 Sec 1 Howard: Sir Th Arundel wanderer for years over Europe, returned to Eng. aft the death of Queen Eliz. (1603), regained favor, and was created Baron Arundel of Warder, by which name he is known in subsequent history; but that Matthew, son of Sir Th, retaining the name Howard, of greater power and prestige, did not die in 1620 but left Eng and with his kindred Arundels, Willoughbys and Thoroughgoods (Hotten’s Emigrants) reappeared in the early VA Colony as Matthew Howard. (See “Notable Southern Families” v. 1, Howard). The theory lacks proof; but that there was some connection or relationship between the above Arundel family and the Matthew Howard fam. of VA, appears certainly indicated by the fact that, when Jn Howard Sr of MD, s/o Matthew1, affixed to his will his seal with the Howard Arms, one of his witnesses was his friend, Henry Wriothesley. As to a more recent assumption, that the father of Matthew Howard1 was John, one of the members of the London Company, or the John killed in the VA massacre of 1622 (published as a fact in Col. Fams, VII, and “Abridged Compend”), it is wholly without evidential foundation.