Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Misc. Notes
Pg 238 John Howard9, was a knight & already advanced by his marriage with Joan of Cornwall, one of the illegitimate lines, founded by Richard of Cornwall, King of the Romans
84857John Howard was knighted
Birthabt 1285, Thunnock, Lancashire, England100821
BurialHoward Chapel, East Winch, Norfolk, England100823
Misc. Notes
Pg 238 Joan of Cornwall, one of the illegitimate lines, founded by Richard of Cornwall, King of the Romans
84857Joan of Cornwall, an illegitimate descendant of the Saxon King Richard
IGI Joan De Cornwall b: 1314 Father: Geoffrey De Cornwall Mother: Margaret Mortimer Marr: abt 1335 Of Buford, Shropshire, England James Nevill (S: Member)
4286 (born to late to be Her? Married James Nevill not John Howard?)