Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1800, Southwick, Hampshire County, MA75293
Census1810, Southwick, Hampshire County, MA75279
Census1820, Southwick, Hampshire County, MA75280
MemoHampden County?
Census1840, Southwick, Hampden County, MA75283
Residenceca 1864, Jacksonville, IL75289
Memowith her daughter
1830MAHampdenSouthwickPg104-n200 Gideon Root 1M 10-15 1M 20-30 1M 60-70 1F <5 1F 20-30 1F 40-50 1F 60-70
64142 (Female 20-30? She is married, wouldn’t be listed with her father?)