Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameRoger Root
Residenceca 1759, Southwick, Hampden County, MA96682
Land Purchase5 Jun 1784, Southwick, Hampshire County, MA96695
MemoFrom his father, John Root’s Will a small but convenient watering plate in the premises forever, also one half of my orchard, also one half of a piece of land
Census1790, Southwick, Hampden County, MA96680,96681
Memoage 81
Residenceca 1759, Granby, MA96682
Census1790, Southwick, Hampden County, MA96698,96699
Memoage 89
1790MAHampshireSouthwickImage1of1 Amasa Tillotson 1M 16+, 2M <16, 3F
70555 (near Roger Root - Related?)