Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1850, Southwick, Hampden County, MA94546
Death20 Feb 1904, 89 Court Street, Westfield, Hampshire, MA70593,70595
MemoAge 92 yrs, cause: senility
Burialaft 20 Feb 1904, Southwick, Hampshire County, MA70593
MA Deaths 1841-1915 Image561of1614 #38 Elizabeth M Rockwell, d: 20 Feb 1904 age 92 senility, Informant: Mrs B J Cooley, 89 Court St
94548 (Related? Same address as death)
Census1850, Southwick, Hampden County, MA94551
1850MAHampdenSouthwickImage27of27 Dwg 219 Fam 227 Lydia Fowler, 57 F, b: MA (Enum w/Joseph W. Rockwell 39 & Elizabeth M. 39)
70485 (Who is this Lydia Fowler? to young to be wife of Saul Fowler 90)