Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
MemoAbt 920?
Alias/AKATorf1, Seigneur De Torville; Torf Baron of Tourville92774,92775
Misc. Notes
Part 1 Pg 3 Torf1, Seigneur De Torville, a great Norman feudal baron. Possessed numerous lordships in Normandy, being Seigneur de Torville, Torcy, Torny, Torly, du Ponteautorf, etc.
85454Torf Baron of Tourville
Birthabt 930, Normandy, France92776
Alias/AKAErtemberge de Briquebec92777
Marr MemoAbt 950 - children born before this?