Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1797
Land Sold5 Sep 1839, Pendleton County, VA38608
MemoPg 29 Sep 5, 1839 Heirs of Jacob4 Gum et al to Henry Gum (S: Pendleton Co Deed Bk XIV, p. 531)
1Jacob Gum Jr.
Birth1797, Pendleton County, VA38596,38597,38598,38599,38600,38601,38438,38602,38603
Memo1798 Augusta Co, VA?
Tax List1822, Pendleton County, VA34092
Memonow Highland Co
Land Sold7 Apr 1824, Pendleton County, VA38606,38607
Memoto Henry Jones 104 ac land willed by his father, Jacob Gum, dec’d. Division corners of Jesse 5 Gum, Adam 5 Gum & Henry Arbogast.
Census1830, Pendleton County, VA38600
MemoFranklin Town
Land Purchase5 Sep 1839, Pendleton County, VA38608,35655
MemoHeirs of Jacob4 Gum et al to Henry Gum
Death Memo1871 Andrew County, MO?
Anst File#AFN:1TNC-94P38596
Pg 290 - C-3 of Jacob - 1. Jacob - m.? Martha Houchin, Poca.*
21729 (Not married to Martha Houchin -Jacob s/o Isaac married to Martha?)
Marr MemoBond 5 Oct 1825 by Jacob Gum and John Simons