Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameAmy Doggett
Birthbef 16 Jul 159788759
Baptism16 Jul 1597, Groton, Suffolk, England88804
Residenceca 1622, Groton, Suffolk, England88752
1John Eddy
Birth27 Mar 1597, Cranbrook, Kent, England88762,88744,88763,88764,88765,88766,88767,88759,88768
Residence1622, Nayland, Suffolk, England88772
Memonear Thurston
Residence1630, Boxted, Essex, England88773
Residenceaft 29 Oct 1630, Plymouth Colony, MA82887,88774
Memobef 6 Feb 1631/2; 1633?
Land Purchase25 Jul 1636, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88780
Memogranted Great Dividend of 50 ac
Land Purchase28 Feb 1636, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88781
Memo/1637 granted Beaverbrook Plowland of 9 ac
Land Purchase26 Jun 1637, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88782
Memogranted Remote Meadow, 9 ac of meadow
Land Purchase10 May 1642, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88783
Memogranted farm of 123 ac
Will Filed11 Jan 1677, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88784,88785
MemoWill dated
Death12 Oct 1684, Watertown, Middlesex County, MA88786,88787,88788,88789,88766,88790,88759,88791
Memo about 90 years
MemoWill Probate
Occupationfirst Town Clerk of Watertown, a member of the first Board of Selectmen, and a Freeman Fall of 163488794,88795,88796
Misc. Notes
The Eddy Family in America
82988Pg xi Possibly the voyage to Plymouth was considered a preliminary to settlement with John’s relatives in Boston, for we know the two brothers (John & Samuel Eddy) promptly applied for admission to Massachusetts Bay Colony and were refused only because their papers of dismissal from Plymouth were incomplete.
Pg 15 For a much fuller account of John Eddy refer to The Eddy Family Bulletins: No. 9, p.144; No. 10, pp. 150-151; No. 1, pp. 2, 3, 4; No. 3. pp. 32-33; No. 4, p.48
John Eddy Death: Oct 1611 Cranbrook, Kent England
66066 (Listed in his father’s will in 1616?)
Marr MemoPlymouth/Watertown? ca 1620? bef 1622?
ChildrenJohn (<1622-<1623)