Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Memonow Highland County, VA
Death30 May 1858, Jacksons River, Highland County, VA88506,88507
Memo45 yrs Typhoid Fever
Misc. Notes
Images of America Highland County by Chris Scott
30929 Pg 112 Washington Stephenson, the first elected sheriff of Highland County, served as a constable in Bath County before the creation of Highland. Serving as a deputy in Highland to appointed Sheriff Andrew H. Byrd, Stephenson was elected and served two terms as sheriff from Jan 2, 1853 to Dec 31, 1856, after the change of the VA constitution requiring the election of sheriff by the people for the term of two years, with a limit of two years. There is a picture of him also.
Pg 33 Will Bk 5 p. 181 Bond of John Cleek and Washington Stephenson for $2000 on 8 Sep 1846 for Cleek to be the Commissioner of Revenue
2005 (Him?)
Birth3 Oct 1825, Highland County, VA88514
Marriage2 Jan 1855, Highland County, VA88515
Marr Memoby Henry Brown