Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1650
Birthca 1650
Land Purchase13 Jul 1709, Prince George’s County, MD62441
Memopart of a parcel of land called Inclosure, from Ninian Beall for 145 lbs money, SE of land bought by Mr. John Wight from Benjamin Haddock, 1047 ac
Land Purchase28 Jul 1711, Prince George’s County, MD62442
MemoTroublesome, 325 ac to Richard Marsham of Prince George’s County for 81 pounds 4 shillings
Beall N A 64a, 25 Apr 1694 Col Ninian Beall of Calvert Co to Richard Marsham of Calvert Co, land patented 25 Jun 1683 to Ninian Beall called Darnalls Grove, 3800 ac, lying in Calvert Co on Patuxent River West side .. Collington for 300 lbs sterling
834 (Same Richard Marsham?)
Beall N A 72; 23Nov1690NinianBeall of PGCo to RichardMarsham of PG, patent20 Oct1667 to JohnPotts of CalvertCo parcel of land called MountPleasant inCalvertCo, nowPG, West side of PatuxentRiv, deed to NinianBeall 29Aug1680 for 6K lbs tobacco,400ac
834 (Same Richard Marsham?)