Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJane Lascelles 84607
Birthca 1348
Birth1350, Wirrel, Forest, Stafford, England84604,84606,84617,84618,84619,84620
Memo1362 Cheshire, England?
ResidenceLathom, Lancashire, England84370
Death6 Jan 1413, Ardee, Ireland84606,84621,84622,84623,84624,84618,84625,84626,84627
Burialaft 6 Jan 1413, Ormskirk Parish, Lancashire, England84606,84628
MemoBurscough Priory aft the dissulution in 1536 his remains, together with his wife’s were removed to the Derby Chapel at Ormskirk
FatherSir William Stanley (~1319-1398)
MotherAlice Massey (~1329-)
Misc. Notes
9. Sir John Stanley s/o William & Alice, Knight of the Garter ... This brave and valiant gentleman was one of the Captains under the command of his Relation James, Lord Audley, at the famous Battle of Poicters in France, which was fought on Sept. 19, 1357, by Edward, the Black Prince, son of Edward Third, wherein King John of France was taken prisoner and brought captive to England. Soon after this memorable victory a Truce was agreed on for two years, during which interval of publick act on Mr. Stanley being a Martial Genius, and intent on improving himself in the Art of War, visited most of the courts of Europe, even as far as Constantinople; wherein he made such advances in the School of Mars that his superior Skill in Armes was generally applauded in every country he passed through; insomuch that the fame thereof gave him the Character of the most noted Champion in single Combat at that age; so that on his return back through France the reputation for his bravery did raise the Pride and Envy of a haughty French Combatant, that he followed Mr. Stanley to England, and there Challenged the whole Nation to produce a Person to engage him in Arms. Which being made known to Mr. Stanley, he accepted the Challenge; and the Time and Place of Action (by the King's direction) was to be at Winchester, under the walls of which city he fought and killed the Frenchman in the presence of his majesty and a numerous Crowd of Spectators.
This Publick and Gallant Action gave King Edward III notice of him and as a reward for his bravery Honoured him with Knighthood; both which raised his reputation with all the Sons of Mars, and no daubt gained him the secret good wishes of all the fair sex present; amongst whom was the Heiress of Lathom, beautiful, young and rich; which rendered her the envy of her own Sex and the desire and delight of all Admirers of Beauty and Virtue. Sir John Stanley, for we must now honour him with that title, declared himself her Champion and Humble Servant and after some Time of Address, gained an entire Conquest of her and all her favours, by an honourable marriage. In the tenth year of Richard II he was made Constable of Windsor Castle and Knight of the Most Order of the Garter, and continued in Royal Esteem and Favour during the remainder of his life. (The above is copied from Seacome's House of Stanley, which was published in 1767; hence the peculiarities.)
Sir John Stanley was Lord Deputy of Ireland in 1385 and had a grant of the Manor of Blake Castle in that Kingdom. In 1405 he had a Commission with Roger Leke, to seize on the city of York and its liberties, and also upon the Isle of Man on the forfeitures of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and in the 7th of Henry IV, being then Treasurer of the Household of the King, obtained license to fortify his house at Liverpool, which he had newly built, with embattled walls. In the same year, having taken possession of the Isle of Man, he obtained a grant of fee of the said isle, castle and pile, anciently called Holm Town, and all the isles adjacent. On accession of Henry V he was made a Knight of the Garter, and constituted Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for six years, in which government he died in 1414. Sir John Stanley was the younger of Sir William Stanley who married the heiress of Hooton, but this offshoot in power and splendor has overshadowed the parent stock. Sir John was a cool, shrewd man, and efficient in the literal sense of the word, who flourished in the reigns of Richard II and Henry IV and V, and whose personal qualities raised him to distinction, while the properties he acquired in right of his marriage gave him great territorial influence in Lancashire and elsewhere. In the War of the Roses he kept in favor with both sides, and when Harry of Monmouth, Shakespeare's "nimble-footed madcap Harry," succeeded as Henry V, he was made Knight of the Garter. By the marriage of Sir William Stanley (Gen. 6) the Stanleys acquired the three bucks' heads which they have ever since continued to be the distinguishing charge on their heraldic coat, and in like manner by the heiress of Lathom in this generation they obtained the second coat in the first grand quarter of their achievement: Or, on a chief indented azure three besants--as well as the crest which to this day continues to surmount their arms: the well-known eagle and child, described in heraldic language as on a chapeau gules turned up ermine, an eagle with wings elevated or, preying on an infant swaddled of the first, banded argent.53735

Pg 77 Line 103, Sir John Stanley, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1399-1401, Governor of the city and co. of Chester 1403, K.G. 1405, King’s Lieutenant for the Isle of Man 1405, Constable of Windsor Castle 1409-141417385

Pg 205 Chap 2, 23. John de Stanley, Deputy of Ireland 1386-88; Justiciar of Ireland 1389-91; Justiciar of Chester 1394; Lieutenant of Ireland 1399-1401; Steward of the Household to Henry, Prince of Wales 1403; Governor of the City and County of Chester 1403; K.G. 1405; Lord of the Isle of Man 1405; Constable of Windsor Castle 1409; King’s Lieutenant of Ireland 141317386

v2 p83 Sir John Stanley, Knight of the Garter42939

Vol 22 Image1244of1511 Pg 1236 Stanley, Sir John, founder of house of Stanley; acquired Knowsley and Lathom by marriage with Isabel Latham ca 1385; deputy for De Vere in Ireland 1386, leiutenant 1389-91; held posts on Welsh and Scottish borders; regranted Irish office by Henry IV, 1399; superseded 1401; steward of Prince Henry’s household from 1403; K.G. 1405; granted the Isle of Man 1405; died Henry V’s lieutenant in Ireland17387

Pg 135 Stanley: John, Lord-Deputy of Ireland54949
6. William Stanley & Alice Masey had: son 7. Sir John Stanley, of Greswithin, Cumberland Co, was a member of Parliament in the time of Edward III, AD 1347

Pg 100 Sir John Stanley, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Constable of Rokesbergh, Scotland; Constable of Windsor Castle; Steward of the King’s Household17798
Sir Knight Lord Lieutenant of Ireland57964

v2 p83 8. Sir John Stanley, K.G., in 1385, was Lord-Deputy of Ireland; in 1389, he had a grant of the manor of Blake-Castle, in that realm; in 19 Rich. II, he was made constable of the castle of Rokesburg, in Scotland.42939

Pg 503 Sir John Stanley, was lord deputy of Ireland. In 1399 he was lord justice and lord lieutenant of the same kingdom. In the 1st year of Henry V, being then constable of Windsor Castle, he was installed a knight of the Garter, and was a second time constituted lord-lieutenant of Ireland, for six years, in which government he d: 6 Jan 141484497
v2 p275 Pedigree has him as s/o Sir William (Stanley) & Margaret Hooton42939
Marriageabt 136084607
ChildrenRobert (ca1370-)
Last Modified 16 Dec 2015Created 12 Jul 2024 using Reunion 13 by Chris Dunmore
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