Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Middleton 53839
Birthca 1515
1Sir William Calverly 53696,53712,53714,53736,53737,53838,53722,53839,53721,53740,53840,53724
Residenceca 1566, Calverly, Ebor, England53721
Memointestate; WFT Est 1576-1613; aft 1577? 27 Oct 1570 Calverley, Yorkshire, England?
Misc. Notes
Burkes American Families with British Ancestry
51242Pg 2760 Sir William Calverley of Calverley, Yorks
He was knighted 3rd of Edward VI and in the next year 1549/50 was Sheriff of York