Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameMary Paine 69046,69045,69047,69050,69049,69051,69056,69055,69053,69058,69071,69062,69061,69060,69063,69064
1Enoch Hunt 69044,69045,69046,69047,68728,69048,69049,69050,69051,69052,69053,69054,69055,69056,69057,69058,69059,69060,69061,69062,69063,69064
Residence7 Feb 1689, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA69067,69068
Misc. Notes
Birth: Hunt, Mary, of Enoek(sic) and Mary, Sep 7, 1679
Supplement Sec V: Beirthes: 1679: Hunt, Enos, son of Enock Hunt, born the 28th of January.
Rehoboth, MA Early Settlers: Names "of the inhabitants and proprietors of the Towne of Rehoboth having Rights and Titles to the Measuages, Tenements and Lands contained in the quit-claim deed of William BRADFORD to the town of Rehoboth, which hath been reade and allowed in a full Towne Meeting, February the 7th, 1689:" Enoch Hunt
Rehoboth MA Vital Records:
65826Name: Mary Hunt Deaths
Relative: wif:Capt. Enock Hunt
Deaths: Hunt, Mary, wife of Capt Enock, Sep 20, 1707
64874Rehoboth Image 869 Pg 839 Deaths: Hunt, Ann d/o Capt Enock
64310Rehoboth V1_p.839 Deaths: 1 172 Hunt, Capt Enock
Marriage29 Oct 1678, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA69047,69049,69051,69056,69055,69058,69062,69060,69063,69064