Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJabez Howland
Birth1628, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA79362,79308,79364,79365,79390,79376,79391,79392,79393,79383,79394,79395,79396,79397
Memo1629? 1633? 1644? Rocky Nook/Kingston?
Residence1667, 33 Sandwich Street, Plymouth County, MA79398,79399
MemoHowland House
Residence1680, Bristol, Bristol County, RI79398,79399
Memo1711? 1712?
OccupationBlacksmith, opened an Ordinary (or Inn) or a house of entertainment in Bristol79404
RI Vital Records 1636-1850
65597 (another child?)
V6 Bristol Co Pg 1-139 2-57 Seth, of Jabez & Bethiah, (buried) 12 Apr 1685
Lieut Jabez Howland b: 1628
2014Part 2 Pg 174 3. Jabez Howland served in King Philip’s War
65330Pg 222 Jabez Howland served under Capt Benjamin Church in King Philip’s War as Lieutenant
1Bethiah Thatcher
Birthca 1628
Residenceca 1650, Yarmouth, Barnstable County, MA79407
Memoaft 1712?
viii. Jabez Howland Marr: by 1669, Bethiah Thatcher d/o Anthony Thatcher (eld ch b: 15 Nov 1669 Plymouth (PVR 668; NYGBR 42:154-57)
66067 (Which child b: 1669?)
Marr MemoDuxbury, MA? Bristol, RI?
ChildrenJabez (1669-1732)