Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameDesire Howland
Birthca 1624, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA79002,79003,79004,79005,79028,79029,79016,79030,79031,79032,79033,79034,79035,79036,79037,79038
Memo1623 Barnstable, MA - bef parents marriage? 1620? 13 Oct 1623? 13 Oct 1624? Feb 1625? Feb 1626? 22 May 1627 born three months from her brother John?
Death13 Oct 1683, Barnstable, Barnstable County, MA79039,79040,79041,79042,79016,79043,79044,79045,79036,79046,79047
Misc. Notes
In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle John Howland, his wife Elizabeth Howland, John Howland Junior and Desire Howland were the first four persons in the fourth company. [2 PCR 12:10]
1John Gorham
Memo/1622; 1624?
Baptism28 Jan 1621, Benefield, Northamptonshire, England79056,79058
Residence1643, Barnstable, Barnstable County, MA79059
Memo/1676 from a fever in great swamp fight? King Phillip’s War and there was wounded by having his powder Horn Shot and Split against his side and died; 1683?
Memo/1676; age 54 yrs
Marriage1643, Plymouth, Plymouth County, MA79006,79059,79016,79017,79018,79020,79021,79069,79027
Marr MemoMarshfield? Yarmouth? Barnstable?