Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJohn Allen
Birthbef 22 Jan 176477913,77914,77916,77917,77918,77919,77920,77923,77922,77935,77927,77936,77937,77938,77939,77940
Memobef 1755? abt 1760? bet 1750-60?
Baptism22 Jan 1764, St John’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD77927,77936,77939
Census1776, St John’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD77937,77940
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD77916
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD77919
Land Sold25 Nov 1800, Prince George’s County, MD77924
Memo30 pounds for tract of land lying near Broad Creek to Richard Stonestreet, formerly the right title and estate of Edward Stonestreet, deceased
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundred
Memo6th District
Census1830, Prince George’s County, MD9226
MemoCensus no longer exists
Census1840, Prince George’s County, MD77941
Memo6th District
Memo15 Nov?
Allen, John & Verlinda Lanham 10/29/1781
48932 (Surname: Lanham not Piles?)
1840MDPG6D66A John Allen 1M 20-30, 1M 80-90, 1F 40-50
9281 (Who is Male 20-30? possibly Grandson. Who is Female 40-50? Possibly dau, Ann)
1Verlinda Lanham
Memobet 1755-1774
Census1790, Prince George’s County, MD77945
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD77948
MemoPiscataway and Hynson Hundreds
Memo6th District
Census1830, Prince George’s County, MD9226
MemoCensus no longer exists
Misc. Notes
Pg 304 (Corrections and Additions)
47643Early Families Southern MD, Vol 1, p. 104: The Pyle-Piles Family in America(Pg 193
77953), which I quoted, incorrectly identifies the wife of John Allen as Verlinda Piles. She was Verlinda Lanham, the d/o Eliazar Lanham and Christian Stonestreet. Verlinda was perhaps living with the family of William H. Piles as she had a link to the family through an aunt. [From Dr. Howard G. Lanham, Westminster, MD] (Surname Lanham not Piles)
Marr Memolicense: 29 Oct 1781