Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameMary Shaugh/Shaw
1Robert Hill
MemoSt Dunstan’s Parish, England?
MemoJun 1697?
Will Filed5 Jul 1697, Charles County, MD77353,77354
MemoEstate Appraised by Thomas Hunt and Richard Eastop. Valued at 31.8.7 pounds; Liber 15 Folio 242 Inventory; Liber 18 Folio 78 Account
Will Filed1698, Charles County, MD77355
MemoInventories & Accounts (account)
MD Indexes, Probate Records, Colonial, Index 1634-1777
10138 Name Year County
Image # 007270 Hill, Robert 1697 Charles Liber 15 folio 242 Inventory
Image # 007271 Hill, Robert 1698 Charles Liber 18 folio 78 Account
John Watson, owner of “Newbottle” Recorded 1687
77358 (Him?)
Marriagebef 1 Oct 1698, MD77352