Pg 9 Edward Walton Jr. ca 1672-1720 of New Kent Co VA, wife Elizabeth but could not have been daughter of Lemuel & Ann (Seawell) Mason, as often accepted by Walton researchers.
22621 (Unsure if he is referring to this Edward or his father Edward? His wife is Elizabeth and his mother is Elizabeth also)
VA Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850
25945 Elizabeth Mason; 10 Apr 1676, Isle of Wight, Notes: This probate record was extracted from microfilmed copies of the original Will Book. Remarks: William Mason. Division of the estate of William Mason between his wife Joane and dau Elizabeth, made by John Wakefield and Charles Williams. Description: daughter; Book: 2-141; Prove Date: 12 Apr 1676 (Her parents?)
Elizabeth Mason, 15 Jun 1711; Norfolk Co, VA; Property: 20 lbs; Notes: This probate record was extracted from microfilmed copies of the original Will Book. Remarks: Thomas Mason, of Elizabeth River parrish in the County of Norfolk Gentleman, Book 9 p.60, dated 9 Jan 1710/11. Proved 15 Jun 1711 by Coril. Thomas Willoughby and Doctor Wm. Miller... Unto my son Lemuell Mason all my Lands and plantation...; Description: Executrix; Book: 9-60; Prove date 9 Jan 1710 (Her? Mason Married name not maiden name?) Family Tree On 22 Aug 2015 Mason Wade Broughton <masonwade8910[at]> indicated Mary Ligon or Harris (1625-1704) as wife of Edward Walton Sr (1645-1720)
1Edward Walton
Memobef parents marriage? 1656? 1675 New Kent Co, VA?
MemoChrist Church Parish; St Peters, now New Kent County, VA; 1717?
Pg 9 Edward Walton Jr. ca 1672-1720 of New Kent Co VA, wife Elizabeth but could not have been daughter of Lemuel & Ann (Seawell) Mason, as often accepted by Walton researchers.
22621 (Unsure if he is referring to this Edward or his father Edward? The children listed were this Edward’s children)
VA Colonial Soldiers
2750 (Him?)
Pg 217 Taken from records relating to VA in the Public Record Office, London, C.O.5/1312 (superscript 2). Militia Lists: New Kent County, 7 Mar 1701/2: Edward Walton, Ens. also New Kent County, 4 Jul 1702: Edward Walton, Ens & Pg 218 New Kent County, 4 Jul 1702: Edward Walton, Jr.
Edward Walton, Male, b: 14 Aug 1667 Christening: Westbury, Wiltshire, England, Phillimore Ecclesiastical Parish; Father: Edward Walton
27258. (Him? Born in England or VA?)