Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJoseph Wilmarth
Memobef 1774
Census1790, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA75102
64845 Daniel Wilmarth & Nathaniel Wilmarth same page related?
DAR 27
10258Wilmarth, Joseph b: 6?-8-1751 d: 8?-15?-1841? m. Hannah Dryer? Pvt MA (Him?)
Wilmarth, Joseph b: 3?-13-1745 d: 10?-29?-1837? m. H---? Carpenter? Capt MA (Him?)
1800MABristolRehoboth16of20.jpg Joseph Willmarth 2M 16-26 1M 45+ 1F <10 1F 10-16 1F 45+
70556 (Could this be him? Where all the Females?)
Birthca 1754
Census1790, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA75103