1790MABristolAttleboro30 Benoni Wilmarth 1M 16+, 2F & Eliphalet E. Wilmarth Jun 1M 16+, 3M <16, 3F & Amos Wilmarth 2M 16+, 2F (on same page - related?)
MA Vital Records
62732 (Could one of these be him? Father and son?)
Wilmarth, Eliph. N., Attleborough, 1852, Vol 66, Pg 55, Death
Wilmarth, Eliphalet, Attleborough, 1855, Vol 93, Pg 56, Death
1820MABristolAttleboro25of27 Wilmarth: Jonathan, Stephen, Elkanah, Nathan, Dan, Leonard, Leonard Jr, Stephen, Leprelete?, Moses, William A, Eliphalet, Eliphalet Jr, Parley, Seth
74818 (all on same page - related?)