Memobet 1790-1800?
Tax List1810, Bath County, VA74726
Memoshown with one over 16 & 2 under 16
Land Purchase10 Feb 1810, Bath County, VA74727
MemoLand Warrant 100 ac Wilson’s Mountain, West side of Duncan’s Knob
Land Purchase18 Jul 1815, Bath County, VA74728
MemoLand Warrant 125 ac On Dry Run Adjoining Williams Land
Land Purchase5 Jun 1816, Bath County, VA74729
MemoLand Warrant 25 ac On the Waters of Dry Run, South of Wilson’s Mountain
Land Purchase1 May 1818, Bath County, VA74730
MemoLand Warrant 78 ac On the Headwaters of Dry Run, North of Warm Spring Mountain & adjacent Samuel Corbett Sr
Land Sold10 Oct 1818, Bath County, VA74731
MemoFor $650 Samuel sold 214 ac to Otto L. & Mary Williams
Land Purchase10 Mar 1819, Bath County, VA3696
Memo& Augusta County, VA Deed of Trust executed by Samuel Corbet Sr as executor or(sic) William Corbitt’s land in Augusta & Bath County to Ludwill Richards & with the beneficiaries of Samuel Corbett Jr & Peter Cleech
Census1820, Bath County, VA74720
Census1830, Bath County, VA74724
Land Purchase7 Feb 1840, Bath County, VA74732
MemoFor $25 Samuel purchased from Isabella Corbitt & Sarah Corbitt 220 ac on the Muddy Run branch of Jackson’s River, from a patent dated Oct 23, 1819
MemoLewis County, WV? disease of the heart
Misc. Notes
1830VABathNoTwp186.cwk Corbit, Samuel 1M<5, 2M 5-10, 1M 40-50, 1M 80-90, 1F <5, 1F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 30-40
484 (Them?)
1840 Census Bath Co VA Sheet 118 Pg 8 Ln 20
3441 1840VABathNoTwp119 Saml Corbet
3442 Saml Corbet 1M 10-15, 1M 15-20, 1M 20-30, 1M 40-50, 1M 90-100, 1F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 1F 20-30, 1F 40-50 (His Father? Same note under his father)
There is an Eliza Corbet next line 1M 10-15, 1M 20-30, 1F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 2F 15-20, 1F 20-30, 1F 40-50 (Who is She? Related?)
There is also a Saml M Corbit 1M 10-15, 1M 15-20, 1M 50-60, 1F <5, 2F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 2F 20-30, 1F 40-50 (Him?)
Samuel Corbett Land Purch 7 Feb 1840:
3738 Bath Co VA For $25 Samuel purch fm Isabella Corbitt & Sarah Corbitt 220 ac on the Muddy Run branch of Jackson’s Riv, fm a patent dated Oct 23, 1819 (S107 Bath Co VA Deed Bk Vol 9, pp 293) (Who are Isabella Corbitt & Sarah Corbitt?)