Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
1Raymond E. Russell
Memo1815 before parents marriage? 1821?
Census1860, St Mary’s County, MD73996
Memo3rd District
Memo6th District; 76 yrs
Misc. Notes
Raised by Charles Lewis Russell and may have been adopted.
Not listed with his father 1840 St Mary’s Co MD Census
54054,10320 Pg 20 3rd District Charles L. Russell 1M 5-10, 1M 10-15, 2M 15-20, 1M 20-30, 1M 40-50, 1F 15-20, 1F 40-50
IGI Film 0989061 Marriage Recds 1794-1940 St Mary’s Co MD Clerk of the Circuit Ct
4286 Raymond Russell Marr: 24 Sep 1853 St Mary’s Co MD (Him?)
Marr MemoMarriage License 28 Feb 1848