Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Memobet 1775-1794? bet 1765-1784?
Census1810, St Mary’s County, MD73817
Census1820, St Mary’s County, MD73819
Memo4th District
1Phillip Russell
Birth15 Sep 1775, Leonardtown, St Mary’s County, MD73807,73808,73809,73814,48628,48629,48631,73812
Census1810, St Mary’s County, MD73809
Census1820, St Mary’s County, MD73815
Memo4th District
Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the DAR (Vol 41-80) Vol II
30126 (One of these him?)
Russell, Philip: Vol 58, pg 89; Vol 60, pg 116
Russel, Dr. Philip Moses: Vol 80, pg 286
Index of the Rolls of Honor (Ancestor’s Index) in the Lineage Books of the National Society of the DAR Vol IV
30128 (Him?)
Russell, Dr Philip Moses: Vol 135, pg 264; Vol 145, 94
1810MDStM179(11of36) Philip Rufsell 2M <10, 1M 16-26, 1M 26-45, 1F <10, 1F 26-45 (who is the Male 16-26? after their marriage?)
Marr MemoMarriage License