1Henry Darnall Hill
Memobet 1700-08; abt 1701?
Land Purchase5 Feb 1728, Prince George’s County, MD70966
Memofrom Clement Hill, his father, for tracts land contiguous to each other viz Potomac Landing 250 ac, 200 ac bought fm T Brooke, part tract called The Forest, Exchange surveyed for 229 ac, Hill’s Second Thought, 1/2 part tract of land in Baltimore County 1500 ac Northampton
Land Purchase3 May 1729, Prince George’s County, MD48106,70966
Memo250 ac Potomac Landing from father, Clement Hill
Land Purchase3 May 1729, Prince George’s County, MD48106,70966
Memo200 ac bought of Thomas Brooke, by father, Clement Hill, The Forrest
Land Purchase3 May 1729, Prince George’s County, MD48106,70966
Memo229 ac The Exchange & Hill’s Second Thought fm father, Clement Hill
Land Purchase3 May 1729, Baltimore County, MD48106,70966
Memohalf part of Northampton from father, Clement Hill
Will Filed28 Mar 1794, Prince George’s County, MD71111
MemoMarlboro, Will dated, T. 1, Folio 381
Death26 Apr 1796, Prince George’s County, MD70913,71112,71085,71092,70921,71095,71113,71114,71115,71116
MemoMarlboro, Will proved, Book T 1, pg 381