Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
MemoOak Hill
Census1850, Jefferson Township, Jackson County, OH27418
OccupationTaught school until 1877, then merchantile business, Republican, Justice of the Peace 7 years, Postmaster Jasper OH73334,73335
Educationentered at 16 years to Merchantile College at Portsmouth where he gradulated 13 Jul 1867, attended State Normal School 1869 for one year-he left on account of his eyes failing him73336,73337
ReligionMethodist Episcopal Church73335
Misc. Notes
ChapIII JamesStephensonPg14
8522-..quoted fm “Hisory of the Lower Scioto Valley OH pg 836: J.W.Stephenson 5 children: 4 living (1884) Charles E.; Joseph W.; Raymond H.; Jennie V.; Mary E. deceased