Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameMary Hill
Birth1775, Upper Marlboro, Prince George’s County, MD72880,72882
Death2 Oct 1861, Prince George’s County, MD72880,72882
MemoPlanters Advocate and So. MD Advertiser on Oct 16, aged 86
MemoMt Carmel Cemetery, Upper Marlboro
Misc. Notes
Across the Years PG Co
47347Pg 415 son, Francis; son Richard C. Hall; dau Eleanor Young and dau Peggy Wootton
1Francis Magruder Hall
Birth1775, Upper Marlboro, Prince George’s County, MD72882
BurialPrince George’s County, MD72889
MemoMt Carmel Cemetery, Upper Marlboro
Will Filed1829, Prince George’s County, MD72893,72879
Memothru 1836, Will Administered by Charles Hill, Administrations PC 1, folios 13, 1829; 72 1830-33; PC 2 folio 25, 1834; PC 3 folio 72 for 1834 & 36, Wills Marlboro: TT 1, 411
Across the Years PG Co
47347 Pg 415 Col.
Marriageaft 20 Oct 1795, Prince George’s County, MD72872,72894,72873,72895,72874,72896,72877,72881,72882,72883,72885,53911,72887
Marr MemoMarlboro License dated 20 Oct 1795, Catholic; St Mary’s County? bef 1806?