Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Misc. Notes
Rehoboth, MA Early Settlers: Names "of the inhabitants and proprietors of the Towne of Rehoboth having Rights and Titles to the Measuages, Tenements and Lands contained in the quit-claim deed of William BRADFORD to the town of Rehoboth, which hath been reade and allowed in a full Towne Meeting, February the 7th, 1689:" Samule Blise
64874MA Census, 1790-1890
68695 Samuel Jr. Bliss, MA, MA Colony, Freeman, 19 Dec 1690
V2 Springfield Pg 1664 Samuell Bliss s/o Lawrence Bliss b: 7th of the 3d mon 1660
35623 (Him? his father Lawrence?)
1Mary Kendrick