Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJonathan Wilmarth
Birth1658, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA68276,68287,68290,68292,68294,68302,68301,68300,68305,68323,68324
MemoRehoboth, Norfolk County, MA? bef 1647?
Residence7 Feb 1689, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA68325
Death1756, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA68276,68290,68292,68294,68298,68296,68326,68327
Memoaft 1733
OccupationWeaver and inn holder68328
Anst File#AFM:2TV7-9068276
Misc. Notes
Rehoboth, MA Early Settlers: Names "of the inhabitants and proprietors of the Towne of Rehoboth having Rights and Titles to the Measuages, Tenements and Lands contained in the quit-claim deed of William BRADFORD to the town of Rehoboth, which hath been reade and allowed in a full Towne Meeting, February the 7th, 1689:"Jonathan Willmath
Children of Jonathan Wilmarth & Esther Peck: 1.Rebecca b: Aug 30, 1679 d: bef 1683
67834 (An earlier child named Rebecca?)
Jonathan Willmarth served in King Philip’s War (Source: Plymouth Colony Records 2:150; 3:158, 5:114, 261) He was one of the two Rehoboth veterans out of a total of ten, who were living in 1733 when the final list was drawn up of claimants for Narragansett Township No. 4, now Greenwich, MA., given to the soldiers of King Philip’s War or their heirs. (Source: George Madison Bodge(sic), Soldiers in King Philip’s War (1906) 427
66771Vol II Pg 1130 Jonathan Wilmarth was among those who took part in the Narragansett Expedition 1675-76
1Esther Peck
Birth7 Jan 1658, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA68288,68329,68291,68296,68298,68300,68302,68305,68331,68334,68335,68318,68336,68337
Memo28 Nov 1681, children born after her death?
Anst File#AFN:8KK8-R868276
Marriage29 Dec 1680, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA68276,68289,68292,68339,68296,68298,68303,68304,68305,68307,68309,68340,68333,68315,68317,68318,68319,68320,68321
Marr Memo29 Dec 1684? 29 Dec 1694?