Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJoseph Bosworth
Baptism6 Jun 1652, Hingham, Plymouth County, MA66904,66925
MemoBy Rev Peter Hobart
Memoreceived from his father Jonathan deed for “east end”of his dwelling & half barn & two lots adjoining in Watchamositt Neck
Will Filed28 Jan 1694, Bristol County, MA66926
MemoAccount of Estate-bef death?
Land Purchase9 May 169466927
Memobought a salt meadow
Memobef 28 Jan 1694?
Memo1694 Inv. Est.
Will Filed24 Aug 1697, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA66926
Memoaccount of estate presented
Misc. Notes
Rehoboth, MA Early Settlers: Names "of the inhabitants and proprietors of the Towne of Rehoboth having Rights and Titles to the Measuages, Tenements and Lands contained in the quit-claim deed of William BRADFORD to the town of Rehoboth, which hath been reade and allowed in a full Towne Meeting, February the 7th, 1689:" Joseph Borswoth
1Esther Smith
Deathaft 1695, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA66904,66932
Marriage10 Feb 1680, Rehoboth, Bristol County, MA66904,66906,66324,66908,66910,66913,66916,66917,66918,66920,66921,66933
Marr Memo1681